
Friday, July 16, 2010

New Screenshots!

Hey game fans! We are back after a bit of a hiatus with some new screenshots for Spec Ops: The Line and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Spec Ops developer Yager has never developed a AAA title before. This is causing skepticism in the gaming community as to their ability to develop a top tier gaming experience. Let us not forget the likes of Bioshock and Farcry, both developed by development teams that were mere blips on the map compared to some of the industries established giants. So far, the footage released gives every indication that Spec Ops: The Line will be the sleeper hit of 2011.

The Deus Ex franchise is a favorite among the hardcore gaming community. It's been seven years since Deus Ex 2: Invisible War and the announcement of a new installment was a bit surprising. Human Revolution is going to be a prequel to the original so there's no need to worry about remembering continuity. That being said, the following screenshots are gorgeous. Eidos Montreal has a real opportunity to revitalize the series. To be clear, this is a brand new team behind the helm and the original creators are not attached to the project in any capacity. Sometimes that's a good thing. Case in point; Red Dead Redemption.

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