
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Prototype - The Best Worst Game I've Ever Played

I know, the title is a bit misleading. But it is true.

Somewhere inside Prototype is a good game dying to get out. The controls are excellent, the graphics are as well. The recreation of NYC is excellent, probably the best I've ever seen. But it's just missing something, something I can't put my finger on. Here's a few things that have bothered me:

  • There is no gradual build up of your powers, getting used to them at first. You can get some really powerful stuff almost immediately, including the flying power.
  • I'm tired of amnesiac stories. At least Infamous' amnesiac story made him only forget a small portion of what happened, but Alex Mercer can't remember a damn thing.
  • It's very easy to just run around and not be spotted, even though there are "detectors" in a lot of places.
  • The story is boring and the dialogue seems so stilted. Why does Alex have to go ALL THE WAY from one part of the city to the other just for a 30 second meeting with one of the other characters. Don't they have a fucking cell phone?
  • The missions are extremely repetitive.
Here what was good:

Please buy Infamous instead. It's much better. unless, of course, you don't have a PS3, then you're only choice for open-ended-super-human-free-roam-Summer-2009 game is Prototype. Wait until Borderlands comes out.

That is all.

1 comment:

  1. Prototype is indeed the worst game , as it received 3 raspberries on some inpopular awards.
